Tips on how to sell your home Quickly and with Profit! There are many reasons why you might make the decision to sell your house. Moving, new job, bigger house are a few of the reasons you might be selling.
All too often, many houses remain on the market for far too long: There are many factors as to why a house remains on the market for an extended period of time. Keeping in mind, most of us want the property to sell quickly and with profit.
“Sell your house in record time” by following the tips below;
1. Less is More
When selling your home, you can do many things to make your house more appealing, but it has been proven over time that “Less is more”. The less you have cluttering your space, the more the potential buyer can vision their own stuff in the space. There is a fine line between what to display and what not to display. For example, if you have a wall that makes a great entry with family pictures, then you should add a few “Simple” pictures so that buyers can picture their family on that wall. But, do not display an overload of your family pictures, keep it simple and neat. All in all, this is a subject that should be discussed in great length with your realtor – especially since you are paying your realtor to inform you on best practices.
2. Professional Photography
The first process for home buyers is generally to look online where they will find a listing page with lots of pictures of different homes. This is your first opportunity to capture your home buyer. They will go through hundreds of listings before doing any inspection. Professional photography will greatly increase the attractiveness of your home. Therefore, by spending the extra dollars for professional photography will increase traffic to your listing and ultimately to your home.
3. Fix your Curb
In the previous tips, we offered suggestions to attract home buyers based on your listing. Now it is important to make sure the listing lives up to the real thing and selling your home becomes easier. You don’t want them to just “Drive by” and not stop in for an inspection. This is why curb appeal is real and it is your first “Live Impression” and you want this to be “Perfect”. Keep the driveway, planters and grass well manicured. A well manicured property increases curb appeal and that will increase the number of home buyers interested. A coat of paint is very important, painting the outside of your home will add to that “First impression” and almost guarantee a further inspection from the home buyer.
4. Timing your sell
Timing may be the second best thing to “Location” when selling a home. During the spring and summer months, home sales are typically higher than other months. So, here is the strategy, if you are sitting in a prestige location with the perfect home, then, spring and summer are your best times since you will in the upper bracket in a heavy market. However, if your home is average, then these months could be problematic and get looked over in a saturated market. In this case, you may want to consider listing in the off months where the competition is less and you have a better chance of standing out. In either case, this only applies if you are able to target your home selling time. If you are not able to pin point the timing, then, do the best that you can with what you have. Here is another article that may help you.
5. Invest in Upgrades
Your investment into upgrades, strategically done, will increase your chances to appealing to home buyers. Evaluating the risk vs the reward can be a tricky analysis. However, if you focus on the places most people “Take in” during an inspection, you will find yourself creating a broader appeal. Let’s take the kitchen for example. A simple upgrade to the kitchen might mean, new cabinet doors, a new sink and definitely a coat of pain. In addition, the bathroom is another place you may want to invest in. Consider new towels, sink, fixtures, etc. that will help make the inspection become memorable for home buyers.
Well, I want to thank you for reading this article about XXXXX and hope you found it useful. I know buying or selling a home can be very stressful, but, realtors like myself are here to help and hopefully we can make your transaction as stress free as possible.
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